Oslo/Fusion goes digital!
lørdag 10. oktober 2020 av Bård Ydén
We always had a backup plan, and after a successful physical festival at Cinemateket i Oslo, we decided to put this platform to good use! **From October 21st to 30th you will be able to catch most of the films from this year's program online.** In addition, we will include several of our favorite films from the past for you to revisit.  Being the only festival of its kind in Norway, we are very excited for this opportunity to bring the best of LGBTQIA+ cinema to a wider audience! **Please note that most films will be geo blocked to Norway, but this will be clearly marked on the platform, so please take a look before buying a festival pass - we can make no exceptions or refunds.** The platform will be launched October 16th, but films will not be available to view until October 21st at noon CET. A festival pass will give you access to all films, but some will be available for a limited time only, so make sure to check the schedule at launch - stay tuned for more info! **See you soon!**
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NFIs Kjersti Mo åpner festivalen!
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Skeiv Ungdoms jury / Queer Youth Jury
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